With warm weather on the rise, it’s time for the kids to get excited about spring! Check out these events in March at your child’s school to find out what’s happening:
Casa Dia Montessori of Mehlville
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Older kids make hats and other crafts, and then parade around the younger kids’ rooms.
March 26: Easter Bunny Pictures
The Easter Bunny will be visiting students at school! It arrives at 8am and every kid has the chance to get their photo taken. Afterwards, parents will be able to purchase their children’s photos online.
March 28: Red Cross Blood Drive
This month, Casa Dia Montessori of Mehlville will host the Red Cross Blood Drive from 1pm-5pm. You don’t even have to be a parent; anyone can participate. Sign up by calling the school or at the Red Cross website. If you sign up at the website, use the password “CasaDia.” Walk-ins are also welcome.
Casa Dia Montessori of Crestwood
March 20: Spring Parties
The date has changed from March 17th to March 20th, the First Day of Spring. There will be season-themed games and treats provided by parents. Sign up on the door of your child’s room. Please only bring store bought and nut-free items.
March 25: Easter Bunny Pictures
When the Easter Bunny visits school during the school day, everyone gets their photo taken! One week after pictures are taken, parents get proofs at school. They can order them online or through the school.
The Centre at Conway in Chesterfield
On-going Event Throughout March: Collection for Five Acres Pet Rescue (Non-Kill Shelter)
Please find the list of items we are collecting for the animals. Teachers will be talking to the children about how we care for our pets.
March 20: Spring Celebration
The children enjoy a celebration within their rooms welcoming spring.