While some child care centers offer summer programs, odds are you’ll be spending more time with your kids than ever over the coming months. Summer is a great opportunity for parents to bond with their kids, but tensions can run high during those long days. After a month or two in close quarters (probably with the occasional tantrum from your child), you may start to feel like you deserve a time out.
Our kids make us crazy in a way no one else does. Although plenty of parents have wished for a moment’s peace when they’re on the brink of snapping, it’s usually not possible to physically remove yourself from the situation. Therefore, it’s best to set some guidelines for controlling your anger and stick to them.
Set Limits Before You’re Angry
Sometimes we get angry at our children and they don’t know why we’re mad. Make sure your kids know your rules before they break them and remind them of your rule when they break it. This process ensures that the child understands exactly what they’re doing wrong and gives them a second chance to follow the rules if they break them accidentally.
Setting clear limits also helps parents realize the difference between their children breaking rules and taking risks. It’s easy to mistake fear for anger. In addition, being aware of their actions will help them think before they do or say things as they get older.
Never React Physically to Anger
Children are physically helpless and it’s been a long time since hitting a child has been considered good parenting. However in addition to never striking a child, it’s not a good idea to hit inanimate objects either. A child doesn’t have to stretch their imagination very far to picture that pillow you’re punching as their own body. If you must, put your child in a positive time out.
Don’t Make Threats When Angry
Threatening your child will likely come out unreasonably when you’re angry. Wait until you’ve calmed down to dole out good consequences for your child’s bad actions.
Choose Your Battles
Your goal should always be for positive experiences to outweigh negative experiences. If you get angry at every little thing your child does, you will both suffer for it.